Police, New Methods
{continued from the portion of this website, “Racism, Reducing/Stopping”.}
About new methods and new training of Police … which will help to reduce or stop the events which outrage the Black community - the events in which Blacks are killed or wounded or mistreated … these same events which are making the Police hesitant to act, to perform their duties, to protect and serve …
About new methods …
Tazing should be stopped, because … it sometimes causes heart attacks … it looks like despicable treatment of potentially dangerous suspects, and this outrages the community … it might
be used against a suspect who actually does not have a gun or a knife, and perhaps does not have violent intent.
Excessive force should be stopped, because … it might kill a suspect, even an innocent suspect … it outrages the community … it causes more tension and mistrust and hatred and lack of
cooperation between Police and the community … it causes costly investigations and court proceedings, and probably no convictions of Police, which causes more tension and mistrust and hatred and lack
of cooperation between Police and the community.
Excessive questioning and pulling over in traffic of Blacks should be stopped, because it causes more tension and mistrust and hatred and lack of cooperation between Police and the
SOLUTIONS … {Brainstorm about this.} …
Please do not put down or ridicule the following, because these ideas might trigger some very good ideas by other people …
I am rather sure that there was either an idea, or an actual product, that allowed a NET to be thrown over a potential suspect … preventing violence, and keeping Police
Spiderman’s WEB would be a similar thing {not amusing - someone could invent something like this ! - How about a stronger version of Silly String?} -
Before you laugh, Google that Silly String was used in Iraq, to detect Trip-wires that were above-ground !
Could Shields be used, to protect ALL of the body of Police? … so that Police could wait until a potential suspect actually fires his gun … and then Police could shoot
Possibly, instead of Tazing … what about Tear Gas? … and what about those new flashlights that temporarily blind a person, by shining repeated bursts of very powerful
light? … Brainstorm about this - What new technological inventions could immediately disable a person who is about to shoot at Police or at other people? {disable, not harm, because maybe the
supposed gun, actually is a plastic toy}
{END of 3-part discussion about “Shootings”}
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{And now … Continue about this 3-part discussion, by looking at the next portion of this website {“Recent News”} which contains recent articles and recent videos about discussions and similar Solutions, and even better Solutions than the ones which I have suggested and discussed …